Accreditation can be described as both a status and a process. It is the status granted to an educational institution or programme that has been evaluated and found to meet or exceed stated criteria of educational quality.
Equivalence Assessment
The Labour Division determines the comparability of foreign qualifications awards to qualifications awarded nationally. A "Statement of Equivalence" provides authoritative advice on the comparability of recognised qualifications in foreign countries.
The law provides for qualifications awarded by institutions that are established outside of Dominica to be recognized by the NAB.
Quality Enhancement Support
Quality enhancement in tertiary education involves employing deliberate mechanisms to bring about continuous improvement in the effectiveness of the learning experience of students.
Board Members

Dr. Kimone Joseph - Chairman

Kerwin Jno. Baptiste - Member

Dr. Donald Peters - Deputy Chair

Dr. Jermaine Jean-Pierre - Member

Valentine Telemaque - Member

Nadira Lando - Member

Thomas Letang - Member

Dr. Jeffrey Blaize - Member
About Us
The National Accreditation Board (NAB) of the Commonwealth of Dominica was established by Act No.13 of 2006 as the principal body for conducting and advising on the accreditation and recognition of post secondary and tertiary educational and training institutions, programmes and awards.
Contact Us
National Accreditation Board
C/o Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence
Government Headquarters
Kennedy Avenue
Tel: (767) 266 3460